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In September 2012 Jo-Anne was given two months to live with breast cancer that had metastasised to her liver, and was late terminal stage 4. We told her she would be cancer free in a year if she took our GcMAF and followed the advice on “Treatment Strategies” on our website. 11 months laterRead More

1. We are presenting 20 clinical results in cancer at the Congress Brescia 21st September. This poster has been accepted for presentation at the Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology, Brescia September 22, 2013. The Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology is one of the oldest and most respected scientific EuropeanRead More

Sorry, no. Its just gone up (15th September 2013) – to the top 5% ! Our peer reviewed Nutrients research paper is in the top ten percent of the most read scientific papers of all time. Rather surprising, as it was only published on 8th July 2013. Nutrients 2013, 5, 2577-­2589;; doi:10.3390/nu5072577 on: GcMAF causesRead More

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