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I have really noticed enormous improvements whilst taking GcMAF. I am making more eye contact and my social skills have improved largely. I have noticed my repetitive behaviours changing. I am doing things differently, walking different ways home, using new lockers in the gym, using different characters in video games (I used to just playRead More

Galena Girenok: I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in October 2013. I started on GcMAF after my doctor recommend it. I had 5 tumours in my breast and now there are only 2, and they have halved in size. I feel like this is a big achievement for myself and my doctors haveRead More

Kevin Gladd had Stage 4 prostate cancer with tumours additionally outside the prostate. Bowel was damaged following 40 rounds of radiation in the past. Toxic levels of lead and fertilisers/chemicals in the body. Took our GcMAF from 23rd November 2015. 26.4.16 Five months later scans show no evidence he ever had cancer. Five months isRead More

I had CFS, used to be very tired and couldn’t get out of bed. 8th September 2015 started GcMAF: After one vial I am now waking up early, my head’s clear and I have a lot more energy. So happy to have found your company.   Also I have a brother who is a surgeonRead More

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