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Breast, Greece

Stunning effect of GcMAF

Eleni lives in Greece, is 72 years old, and was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago. She went through a mastectomy and was subjected to chemotherapy several times. By July of this year (2017) she was stage 4, reduced to about half her normal weight, was in constant pain, often sick with the chemo, skin colour was a deathly grey, she had no appetite, was very unhappy and spent most of the time in bed. Relatives believed she was close to death.

After one .4g injection of GcMAF her health transformed literally overnight. Colour came back to her face, all pain and sickness disappeared and she started eating normally again. Her cheerful personality has returned and she often walks out to the local supermarket and to meet friends. The villagers, who had been expecting to attend her funeral, are amazed.

She has been doing well for three months now.

Note: Success this quickly happens in less than one in fifty cases. You should expect to see improvements after a month. If you don’t, its probably because you are not following the protocol.

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